African Tales


The Namib Desert harbors one of the world’s greatest mysteries: thousands of mysterious circles where fairies dance and dragons sleep.Read More →

blog Tales-from-Africa-Travel South-Africa Namibia penguins-in-Africa African-Wildlife

When you think of animals, you’ll likely think The Big Five. But we’ll bet you have not thought of penguins in Africa?Read More →

Blog Tales-from-Africa-Travel-southern-Africa-Limpopo-The-sacred-lake-of-the-white-python-Lake-Fundudzi square

Hidden in the mountains in the far north of South Africa lies one of Africa’s most sacred sites: Lake Fundudzi. The sacred lake of the white python. This is a place where magic is alive, where myths, legends and day-to-day reality seamlessly intertwine. Read More →

Tales from Africa Travel blog about the most sexy language in the world

The most sexy language in the world. South Africans were devastated when the South African English lost its place as “the most the most sexy English language in the world” to New Zealand. We’re sure this was by accident though, as nothing beats a South African talking English. Why? Well, it’s not just the way it’s said, it is what is said too. Here are some examples of what makes South African English, well, South African English! So, you’re a South African when: You call a bathing suit a “swimming costume” or a “cozzie”. You call a traffic light a “robot”. You call a sandwichRead More →

Blog The Vulture and the Tortoise

The vulture and the tortoise Do you know the reason why the tortoise’s shell is cracked? In the beginning of time the vulture and the tortoise were best friends and would meet up regularly for a beer and braai. Because the vulture could fly, he was always visiting the tortoise at his home. After a while it upset the tortoise that he was so slow and therefore unable to travel to his friend’s house. He was concerned that he might lose his friendship with the vulture because he never went to visit him at his house. What could he do to avoid his friend gettingRead More →

The Tortoise and the Lizard blog post by Tales from Africa Travel

The Tortoise and the Lizard The Tortoise and the Lizard is one of those wonderful tales coming out of Africa. Once upon a time, there was a famine in the land of the animals. One day, the lizard was passing by a farm when he saw the farmer approach a rock. The lizard hid and watched as the farmer rolled the rock away to reveal the entrance into a cave. The farmer went inside and came out a few minutes later with a handful of yams and rolled the rock back into its place. The lizard waited for the farmer to leave then he tooRead More →

The Lion's Whisker

The Lion’s Whisker The Lion’s whisker is a delightful Tale from Africa. Once upon a time, there lived a young husband and wife in a small village in Africa. For some time now, the husband had not been happy with his marriage. He began to come home late from working in the fields. His wife thought he was the most wonderful man. But she was unhappy, too. His behaviour was making her miserable. Finally, she went to the oldest man in her village, the village elder. The elder was sad to hear her marriage was not a happy one. He had married them only twoRead More →